From the starting kick-off to the final touchdown, football is a strategic, rugged game that teaches young athletes to play hard and play safe. They also learn about leadership, perseverance and teamwork while having fun and developing muscular strength, coordination and speed.

Are you ready to tackle the fun and fitness of football?

We provide an opportunity for girls and boys to learn the game of Canadian football, keep active and physically fit, develop an appreciation for teamwork and discipline, and build life-long friendships.

Our emphasis is on participation, through safe, structured programs, delivered by our member associations. All coaches in VMFL must complete mandated levels of training to ensure that players receive the safest and highest quality of instruction possible. In addition to game fundamentals, coaches must also acquire basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to his or her effectiveness in working with players.

This helps to ensure individual players are able to fulfill their potential and a safe, fun and competitive environment for all.

Life exists beyond the football field and it is equally as important for CCFA that we contribute to the development of well-rounded, civic-minded young men and women.