A Few Things You Should Know…
Are the practices always the same time?
Yes, practices are always the same days and times.
Flag team practices are one hour long while tackle practices are two hours long.
Tuesday and Thursday
between 5:30 and 8:30pm depending on team assignment (flag starts at 5:30)
Saturday mornings
from 8:00 am - 10:00 noon - depending on team assignment.
Games are generally on Sundays, with a few exceptions.
Football practices are at our home field Cloverdale Athletic Park in Surrey.
How do I wash and dry my uniform?
Wash your uniform in cold water and hang dry.
Do not put uniforms in the dryer
as it breaks down the elastic in the uniforms, shortening the life of the uniform.
How early should I be at my games?
You should arrive one hour prior to game time or as advised by the coaching staff, dressed and ready to warm up.
Attendance needs to be taken and team rosters handed in to commissioner and opposing team.
Allow yourself adequate travel time for away games.
What if I am going to be absent for a game?
Please let your team manager know that you will be absent.
During playoffs, attendance is mandatory.
If you are sick or injured during the playoffs, you must sign a release form, or risk disqualifying your team on a paperwork technicality.
Are games or practices ever cancelled due to weather?
No, football is an all-weather sport. Games and practices are not cancelled because of foul weather.
With the installation of the artificial turf, field closures will be a thing of the past.
Can my little brother sit with me on the bench during a game?
No, only players and coaching staff are to be on the bench side of the field.
Do I bring my own water, and how much should I bring?
Yes, you bring your own water. 2 Liters is recommended.
Can I bring Kool-Aid instead of water?
Water is strongly recommended
What if I forget some of my gear, is there spare equipment?
It is your responsibility to be at practices and games in complete equipment.
If you have a problem with some equipment, go to the clubhouse on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays during practice to get it resolved.
The equipment room will not be open on game days.
Do I need a jock (or jill)?
No, jocks (and jills) are not worn in football.